Food Bank
The first weekend of each month at all Masses a food collection is taken up for the Perry/Morrice/Shaftsburg Emergency Food Bank. Non perishable food and supplies are brought to the church and deposited in a basket in the vestibule. Money donations are also accepted. The food and money collected goes directly to the Food bank and helps those in need in our local area.
Angel Tree
This is a Parish project that provides a clothing gift and a toy gift to local area children in need at Christmas. We take applications from families in the Perry, Morrice, Shaftsburg and Bancroft areas. Children from newborn - age 17 are eligible to receive the gifts.
Each year our Angel tree is full of Angels with gift ideas listed on them and our generous Parishioners take an Angel or two, shop for the item requested, wrap their present and return it to our Angel Tree on the Altar.
What an awesome blessing it is to help make a child's Christmas a happy and memoriable time!